We are still at it, clearing the debris from our back yard with another burn. We get burn permits from our local fire station (we are in the county) where we are able to burn as much debris as we can during a designated time. Here are the steps we take to do so:
Step 1:
Clear and cut all debris and get it down to a 3 to 4 foot size.
Step 2:
Find an area in your yard clear of shrubs and trees (10-20 feet) and is far away from the house (20-30 feet). Requirements can depend on fire department.
Step 3:
Call or stop by local fire department a day or two before and talk with the fire marshal who will check the forecast, air quality, and give you the go ahead or not.
Step 4:
Check air quality you can do so by going to https://www.sdapcd.org/content/sdc/apcd/en/ag-burn-decision.html it is required that the air be of good quality for approval to burn on that particular day or weekend.
Step 5:
Let your surrounding neighbors know. It’s not required but especially in California everyone’s awareness is heightened. They will see the smoke and if they know you are burning with approval they will not call in the fire. The permit is on file with the 911 dispatch department so they don’t send a unit but they are very busy so it’s nice to not give them more calls to deal with.
Step 6:
If air quality and word from the fire marshal is promising, the fire department will stop by the morning of and assess you burn area for the final approval. Water hose on hand (turned on) and shovel is required so make sure that is set up. They will sign off and give you a copy of the burn permit and let you know what time the fire should be out (cool to the touch).

Step 7:
Get to Burning! Keep it small and contained, always have at least one person near the fire at all times, and work none stop to get all of your debris burned within the timeframe (we tend to fail at the part because we always have so much!) 😄

Hope this is helpful!
Chloe & Michael